3. Gas Law (experiment 2)

Gay-Lussac Law

To find out what the relationship between temperature and pressure is.


Gay-Lussac graph

As the temperature increases, the pressure increases too. There is a direct relationship between temperature (the independent variable) and pressure (the dependent variable).

Gay-Lussac Law
Pi = Initial Pressure
Ti = Initial Temperature
Pf = Final Pressure
Tf = Final Temperature
Pi / Ti = P/ Tf or Pi Tf = Pf Ti
This law states that the relationship between the initial pressure and the initial temperature is the same as the relationship between the final pressure and the final temperature.

4 comentarios:

  1. This page requires more detail of what Gay-Lussac´s Law states and how you carried out the experiment (using photos/videos/descriptions etc.) Well done for finding the correct equation. Make sure you can see the line of best fit in your graph.

  2. Make sure you try to explain your conclusion using scientific knowledge.
