1. How to prepare a Schlenck tube

1. "How to prepare a Schlenck tube" 

- Explain what a Schlenck tube can be used for
- Upload one of your videos and your photos
- Include ste-by-step instructions (in words) of how to prepare the tube

A schlenck tube is a reaction vessel which is used in air sensitive chemistry and it was created by Wilhelm Schlenk.

 Here we can see a picture of Wilhelm Schlenk


1º) We take all the materials we need to do the schlenk tube, these are:
- elastic band
- vaseline
- crystalline material - the tube
- stopcock
2º) We put vaseline to the stopcock, so, this way, is more easy for prepare it because it would be more loose-fitting. 
3º) We introduce in the tube (as we can see in the video) the other materials
4º) We take an elastic band and we do a double round and we make sure that it is close.

Here we can see a video making the experiment:


3 comentarios:

  1. The step by step plan is short. Need more use of conectives.

  2. Sometimes we use "this" instead of the real name.

  3. You need more detail in your step-by-step plan and you should explain the name of the materials you use in your video. You could also include a bit more detail on what it can be used for.
